4. Juli 2019

Musikalische Perspektiven

Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen. So ungefähr.

Ich bringe euch heute mal wieder etwas für eure Ohren mit, hoffentlich findet ihr Gefallen an dieser Abwechslung! Undzwar habe ich mir vor einigen Tagen die neue CD von Disturbed gekauft und höre die Lieder seitdem immer mal wieder. Als ich mal genauer hinhörte und zusätzlich einen Blick in die Lyrics warf, konnte ich feststellen, wie ich den Songtext zweier Lieder direkt auf das Skin Picking beziehen konnte. Konkret geht es um die Lieder "Stronger on your own" und "A reason to fight". Wenn ihr auf die Titel klickt, könnt ihr euch den jeweiligen Song anhören (und einmal auch das spannende Musikvideo ansehen) und das würde ich euch auch empfehlen! Wer das nicht möchte, kann sich lediglich auf die Lyrics stürzen, die weiter unten folgen. Mir gibt das nochmal eine neue Einsicht in unsere Krankheit, die nachhaltig zum Denken anregt. Vielleicht seht ihr das auch so, wenn ihr euch drauf einlasst. :)

Stronger on your own:
Everybody has a story to tell
Listen closely now and you can hear mine as well
I was addicted to breaking my heart
I couldn't get enough of feeling it torn apart
So conflicted, in feeling the pain
I say I've had enough but still want it all again

I won't deny
I tried to hide it
But it was killing me inside
And now I feel un-whole

So if you're able to survive
And still you find yourself alone
You will begin to realize
That you are stronger on your
Stronger on your own

I've created my own personal hell
Come inside with me and you can be mine as well
This affliction will blacken your heart
I keep believing as it's tearing my soul apart
Self-destruction is the name of the game
I say I've had enough but still want it all again

I won't deny
I tried to hide it
But now it's killing me inside
And now I feel so cold

So if you're able to survive
And still you find yourself alone
You will begin to realize
That you are stronger on your own

And when you're able to decide
That you don't want this anymore
You'll be the one to turn the tide
For you are stronger on your
Stronger on your
Stronger on your own

Leave it alone
Bury it, bury it
Leave it alone
Bury the dead
Leave it alone
Bury it, bury it
Leave it alone
Bury the dead
Leave it alone
Bury it, bury it
Leave it alone
Bury the dead

So if you're able to survive
And still you find yourself alone
You will begin to realize
That you are stronger on your own

And when you're able to decide
That you don't want this anymore
You'll be the one to turn the tide
For you are stronger on your
Stronger on your
Stronger on your own

A reason to fight:
The image in your eyes
Reflecting the pain

That has taken you
I hear it in your voice

So ridden with shame
From what's ailing you

I won't give up
So don't give in
You've fallen down but you can rise again
So don't give up

When the demon that's inside you is ready to begin
And it feels like it's a battle that you will never win
When you're aching for the fire and begging for your sin
When there's nothing left inside

There's still a reason to fight

Lost in your world of lies
I find it so hard to believe in you
Can it be real this time?
Or just a part of this game

That we're playing through

I won't give up
So don't give in
You've fallen down but you will rise again
I won't give up

When the demon that's inside you is ready to begin
And it feels like it's a battle that you will never win
When you're aching for the fire and begging for your sin
When there's nothing left inside

There's still a reason to fight

Don't let it take your soul
Look at me

Take control
When going to fight this war
This is nothing worth dying for

Are you ready to begin?
This is a battle that we are gonna win

When you're aching for the fire and begging for your sin
When there's nothing left inside

There's still a reason...
When the demon that's inside you is ready to begin
And it feels like it's a battle that you will never win
When you're aching for the fire and begging for your sin
When there's nothing left inside

There's still a reason to fight
I'll be your reason to fight
Give you a reason to fight


Kennt ihr noch weitere Lieder, die ähnliche Themen behandeln oder die ihr für euch persönlich auf die Dermatillomanie bezieht, obwohl es vielleicht anders gemeint war? Ich würde mich über Empfehlungen freuen!

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